Omnichannel Messaging Services

Seamless all-in-one communication funneled through one master platform
Omnichannel Messaging Services

Design an Omnichannel Customer Journey

When designing an effective omnichannel messaging deck, you should do extensive research into which communication apps your primary target audience is using. Always choose the messaging options with the highest reach. Text messaging has the farthest reach at over 5 billion active users, while WhatsApp is second at 1.6 billion. Facebook Messenger, iMessage, WeChat, and Viber round out the final four.

After choosing your omnichannel deck, calculate the cost to communicate at scale, and make note of which channel gives you the most transparency. We recommend limiting your omnichannel messaging apps to 3-4 for your first six months of testing.

Request Omnichannel Access

Send an enquiry to see if your business qualifies for a beta test

Please select all the messaging apps you want to access within one platform