Customer success at your fingertips

Strive to be a CX champion
Customer success at your fingertips

Your frictionless communication tool

When a customer knows they have a complicated question, their level of patience is higher. Simple questions, however, are associated with less patience and tolerance. This is when friction and frustration occurs.

Automated text messaging and customer support through SMS can solve this common pain point. Give your customers a quick solution to their simple enquiries.

Integrate SMS with your tech stack

Google Forms
Improve Team Communication with SMS

Take a minute to type out your message, hit send, and away it goes to your team’s mobile phones. The best part is it only takes a few seconds to compose, and it takes your team even less to read. The instantaneity of SMS is invaluable.

SMS Templates for Customer Support

Increase feedback by pulling relevant custom variables into your text message from a CRM, then set an instant auto-responder with an incentive.

Hi [FirstName], tell us what you think about your purchase of [Product]. Reply with 1-5. (1= Bad, 5= Great)

Opt out reply STOP

Thanks for the feedback! Here’s a promo code for your next online purchase: [PromoCode]. Expires on [PromoEnd].

Opt out reply STOP

Let’s help make your
internal commsproductivityfeedback collection
more efficient

Unlock the power of SMS Marketing. Build stronger connections with your customers through this 14 day trial.